Friday, March 29, 2013



I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend who is suffering from guttate and plaque psoriasis for a very long time now and felt the need to share my story. As some of you who know me personally, I'm not a blogger nor I am a writer. So please, for the rest of you wonderful folks out there, bear with me and my horrendous writing in hopes that you will find my journey somewhat enlightening.

This is journey is not only for myself, but also for my family. I have a wonderful husband who has helped me deal with my skin condition along the way and loves me for who I am , and for that, I am very blessed and thankful for. We have a son whom we both love very dearly and who has definitely changed our lives for the best. It's because of these two very important people in my life that I want to change. Change the way I feel about my psoriasis and actually DO something about it, instead of me just complaining about it.

There are so many activities I would hate to miss out on, especially with my son. Just the other day, in having a conversation with my husband about swimming lessons for him, I realized that I felt limited in doing some of the things that I want to do with him now that summer is just around the corner. Usually around this time of the year, my psoriasis tends to clear a bit and I can begin to wear some of my 3/4 length blouses. In this case, not so much. A part of me is still wishing that winter still linger a bit longer, but I know that won't happen since it's starting to warm up pretty quickly where I live. Now that spring is upon us and summer is creeping near by, I really need to figure out what my next steps are in order for my psoriasis to clear up a bit.

For those of you who are suffering or have suffered from psoriasis, how has it changed your life? It certainly has changed mine, but only made me a much stronger person because of it.